Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I know, I know

I deffiniatly owe you guys an episode, but because of a lack of both Content and Contact, with my co-hosts, and I'll get a show up as soon as I can.

HOWEVER, I need, [b]ABSOLUTLY[/b} need some freakin' content. Fan fics, art, updates anything. I've been busy with both school and a new job, or two, so, I need some help. I would appreciate any help my gracious listeners are willing to give.

New episode coming soon, it'll be short without any good content, but most of them have been short already! Any aspiring writers who want to be heard, send it to me, and if in my opinion it's good, I'll read it on the show!


please. Thanks,- Phantom

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Danny Phantom Reborn VideoFun!

Check it out! It was a quick romp through the Halo 2 map Sactuary! I am your host. There was some odd stuff.

We're Having Some Feed Trouble

As many of you may have noticed, when trying to download and/or update the Danny Phantom Reborn podcast feed, there have been duplicate episodes appearing. The reason for this is the fact that I have changed my feed from a blogspot XML(RSS) feed type to a Podshow XML file.

The reason was, The blog template I was using wouldn't let me make a media enclosure unless I changed the link, which I couldn't do. I don't have a Link bar on the blog template I was using.

Here's the story, the blog is still the same. The feed has been changed. Now most of it, is much eaiser. The Podshow+ has been hosting my files for a while, and I had to change the feed somewhere. Thats where the feed is now. Podshow.com

I am sorry for springing this on you. You may either ignore the change or delete the older ones and then download the newer ones. They are the same shows just a new feed.

The feed is still sent to iTunes through FeedBurner but the files and originial feed is run through Podshow.

The next may be realesed in a Video format, using the Halo 2 game engine (Machinima) and will be cool. I will use the character models to portray myself. I will also have a Danny Phantom model. He will fly out. You might laugh, I will record an audio episode as well, so even if you don't have a video iPod you can still listen to the episode. Send me some feed back at phantomgett@gmail.com

Friday, September 01, 2006

Danny Phantom Reborn Episode #4

Here it is. You've been waiting, I've been planning, It's finially here. New intro music and a brand spankin' new Phan Fic from Maba of Danny Phantom Online!

Here it IS!Download the FOURTH Show NOW!

[Link Dump:


Also make sure you check out Fubuki at shiroandfubuki.deviantart.com! She is a major contributor to the show!