Looking for a Co-Host
Here's the Deal:
I am just one guy, and although I have Audio Hosting courtesy of Podshow.com, and I have a feed setup at Feeds.FeedBurner.com/DPreborn and I even have a poorly designed logo...
So, even though I have most of this covered...I still need one thing...A CO-HOST!? If anyone is interested, leave a comment here or e-mail me at phantomgett@gmail.com
I hope either Nicky Phantom will accept or Dani Phantom will reconsider, But I'm okey if no one wants to help. I just thought someone might like to, and I do need help, but I'll find it somewhere else if need be...BUT PLEASE...SOMEONE HELP ME OUT!?!?!?!?
That is all - Phantom Gett
I am just one guy, and although I have Audio Hosting courtesy of Podshow.com, and I have a feed setup at Feeds.FeedBurner.com/DPreborn and I even have a poorly designed logo...

So, even though I have most of this covered...I still need one thing...A CO-HOST!? If anyone is interested, leave a comment here or e-mail me at phantomgett@gmail.com
I hope either Nicky Phantom will accept or Dani Phantom will reconsider, But I'm okey if no one wants to help. I just thought someone might like to, and I do need help, but I'll find it somewhere else if need be...BUT PLEASE...SOMEONE HELP ME OUT!?!?!?!?
That is all - Phantom Gett
Try out skype
My SN is SkyDragonDrake, I'll IM you when I'm on, Here, Get http://skype.com and download the stuff. After you get a mike, we'll do episode #2
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